In order to be able to present you for inspection and certification, we kindly ask you to click the button APPLY FOR CERTIFICATION and follow the steps
Steps Towards acquisition of organic certification
Step 1
Follow the link above and create your account. -
Step 2
Formal application and submission of all documents like, suppliers list, their location, Size of each supplier, Date of registration, Yield estimates, binding contracts with farmers/ suppliers- Organizational chart with clear roles for monitoring, farmer’s trainings, internal inspection, buying of products
- Standards against which certification is sought with clear evidence of training of staff on implementation of the standards
- Over view of project , organization, roles and responsibilities of the various players, risk assessment of the project area, basic policies, guidelines and procedures and various forms used in documentation etc
- Internal control system or quality management system for quality assurance and organic integrity maintenance during the handling chain
- 100% internal inspection for all farmers involved in the chain with clear inspection dates
- Any other information that could be useful for the certification body
Step 3
Documents review to understand the operations and to determine the suitability of the company/ Client for certification -
Step 4
Contracting and billing the client for initial inspection -
Step 5
70% advance payment by client on signing the contract -
Step 6
Deployment of inspector(s) to carry out the assignment -
Step 7
Report writing and sharing with client followed by final invoicing -
Step 8
Certification Decision by committee -
Step 9
30% final payment by Client -
Step 10
Communication by UgoCert to Client about certification Decision and appropriate actions required
The issued certificate is renewable annually after routine inspections which may be scheduled or unannounced.